Derek Peng
YNG Community Regional Board Champion - North Asia
YNG Taipei
Son of Diana Lin (YPO Atlas) and Stiven Peng (YPO Gold Taiwan)
How do you usually start your day?
A scenic morning drive with a beautiful sunrise view
If you could spend today with anyone, who would it be?
Friends and family
What’s your biggest strength?
I'm open-minded, always learning, and love trying new things while stepping outside my comfort zone
Three words to describe you to people who don’t know you?
Fun, Optimistic, friendly
What’s your favorite podcast or app?
Three things you can’t live without.
A fun car to drive around, good music to vibe to, and a film camera to capture the moment
Window or aisle?
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
Road trips with friends around the globe
What are you most grateful for this year?
The support we got for our YNG group
Is there a phrase that runs through your head on a regular basis?
You’ve got this