Owen Tseng
YNG Community YPO Member Co-Chair Elect
YPO Northern Lights
How do you usually start your day?
Great question: I usually start my day by cuddling with my puppy (5-year old toy poodle). It's often not by choice; for her the sound of my alarm means it's time to wake me up and cuddle time!
If you could spend today with anyone, who would it be?
My late Grandmother, it has been almost 15 years since she passed but I think of her every day.
What’s your biggest strength?
Giving it my best; I was raised with the motto "do it well or don't do it at all"
Three words to describe you to people who don’t know you?
Passionate, Sentimental, Foodie
What’s your favorite podcast or app?
XE; it's a foreign exchange app. I lead a global company therefore I rely on this app every day to help us manage FX risk.
Three things you can’t live without.
Kind-hearted people, Family, Rice
Window or aisle?
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
Set up a second home base in Italy; everyone says in my last life I must be an Italian!
What are you most grateful for this year?
Everyone is healthy in my life.
Is there a phrase that runs through your head on a regular basis?
Everything happens for a reason